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Welcome to my consultancy page.

The decade 2021-2030 is the United Nations Decade on the Restoration of Ecosystems. After degradation of ecosystems caused by unsustainable human practices such as industrial agriculture, forest clearing and expanding populations, our planet is facing serious problems such as large scale soil erosion, soil pollution, water pollution, loss of biodiversity and of course climate change.


Ecosystem restoration is my passion and aims to restore the multitude of ecosystem services provided by a healthy ecosystem (such as mudslide prevention, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, water storage, etc.). This can be done on a large scale (like a 100 ha farm) or on a small scale (like an urban garden).


Permaculture, agroecology, food forests and agroforestry are all very effective practices or systems for restoring the ecological functioning of an ecosystem. Thanks to my agronomic experience of agroecological systems on a European scale (ranging from the Netherlands to Corsica) and my personal experience with my own food forest and my market garden in Campile, I can help you implement permaculture, agroecological and agroforestry systems (such as food forests) in a successful manner.


My services are aimed at farmers, communities and hobbyists located in Europe.

What types of projects can I help you with?

-individuals: transform your non-productive backyard into a highly productive food forest? I can design a low management edible forest (if desired) that provides an abundance of fresh food year round and advise you on the proper management of the system.

-farmers: integrate innovative agroecological techniques on your farm. Do you have a monocultural field of olive trees, chestnuts or grapevines and want to make it more diverse but still manageable? I can advise you on how to convert your monocultural field into a more diverse and ecologically alive but still productive system using agroforestry and agroecological techniques.

-communities: municipalities wishing to restore / create communal chestnut orchards, create a communal food forest or schools wishing to create a food forest or a vegetable garden? I can help you explore different options and supervise you during the implementation of the project.

- collective gardens

- edible landscapes

-syntropic agriculture systems

-adaptation to climate change *

-and much more !

*Climate change is in my opinion the greatest threat to Corsica's future. Do you want to include climate change in your project to truly stand the test of time? I can help you because I have read all the scientific literature available on climate change in Corsica, I worked on this subject for my MSc thesis (see "research") on how climate change will affect Corsica's chestnut orchards, and I know exactly what challenges we will face. I can help you better manage water resources, choose the right plant communities that adapt well to a hotter, drier climate, and help prevent future problems (such as extreme sunburn from temperatures of 40 C and +) by implementing syntropic farming systems that use pioneer species to protect your precious productive plants.

What services do I offer you?

Want to turn your own backyard into a permaculture paradise? I design at your side a fruit garden / a food forest. Your personal little paradise! Or are you a professional farmer wishing to integrate agroforestry practices into your current monoculture system? I make a precise design of your farm so that you can easily implement this new practice.



I help you in all the stages of your project.




Are you a farmer and you want to implement sustainable agroecological / agroforestry or permaculture elements on your farm, but you don't know how this will affect your business financially? I can calculate the costs and benefits of implementing certain elements. For example, if you want to set up alley cultivation using olive trees in a vineyard, I can calculate the total costs and potential benefits of this item in detail for you.




On request, I also offer training and presentations on the subjects of ecological restoration, permaculture, agroforestry, adaptation to climate change, how to grow your own oyster mushrooms on coffee grounds etc. If you are a teacher for example and you are looking for someone to speak on the subjects mentioned above or for an educational tour of the garden, look no further!


How does it works?

It all depends on what kind of help you need from me but in general my work consists of the following steps:

Phase 1: interview with you to get to know your project in detail. What are your goals for your project? What motivates you ? What particularities should be kept in mind? What about your experience? What areas of expertise do you already master and on which should I focus to complement yours?

Phase 2: site visit. I will visit your site to observe all the different factors that impact the outcome of the project (soil quality, water availability, solar angle, wind exposure). I measure the site and with all the information gathered, I move on to the next phase: do a design or write a report.

Phase 3: designing your project and / or writing a report. Taking into account your personal preferences and detailed knowledge of the project site, I will design your project and / or write a report in which I explain the action plan. This report will allow you to carefully obtain all the materials you need and implement your system yourself. Phase 4: presentation of the design and the report and if necessary, continuous supervision during and after the implementation of the project.

If you wish to contact me, please fill out the form below (in French). I will contact you as soon as possible to make an appointment

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etudes de rentabilité

J'ai calculé les coûts et bénéfices de la culture des champignons shiitake par les castanéiculteurs corses dans leurs vergers comme moyen de diversifier les vergers et d'augmenter la résilience économique de l'agriculteur.

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Je suis spécialisé dans l'agroforesterie et les cycles des nutriments du sol et j'ai fait une présentation dans laquelle j'ai expliqué les mécanismes qui expliquent la production alimentaire séculaire des châtaigneraies, des oliveraies et des systèmes dehesa en Europe du Sud sans fertilisation externe.


Ce sont deux conceptions que j'ai utilisés pour ma propre forêt comestible et pour un futur terrain que j'espère trouver un jour.

Conseil & accompagnement

Je peux vous aider dans votre projet. Vous avez un projet que vous souhaitez réaliser mais vous souhaitez simplement qu'un professionnel fasse un petit tour d'horizon de vos plans pour vérifier leur faisabilité ? Je peux le faire pour que vous soyez assuré que la conception/les idées du projet sont réalisables. Vous êtes moins sûr de votre projet et vous avez des idées mais souhaitez que je m'occupe de votre projet ? Aucun problème. Vous pouvez me contacter pour les petits et les grands projets/services.

Tel.: 0031682160047

SIRET 910351063

©2023 by Le jardin uNiek.

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