Lejardinuniek: dedicated to regenerative agriculture consultancy, innovative agroforestry experimentation and sustainable food production
LejardinuNiek, founded by agronomist Niek Pepels, specializes in regenerative agriculture and agroforestry. LejardinuNiek offers expert training, design, and guidance for professional farmers, backyard enthusiasts, and municipalities aiming to achieve ecological restoration through agroforestry, agroecology, and permaculture. With over three years of practical experience in various agroforestry and market garden projects in Corsica, including a microfarm in the village of Campile that has served as an experimental agroforestry project, producing vegetables and fruits while testing various agroforestry systems, LejardinuNiek is well-equipped to transform any space into a sustainable, edible paradise.
LejardinuNiek's services are grounded in a holistic understanding of ecological principles and sustainable farming practices. Whether you are a farmer looking to implement regenerative practices, a homeowner wanting to create a lush edible garden, or a municipality seeking ecological restoration, LejardinuNiek provides the expertise and support needed to achieve your goals sustainably and effectively!
Advice & support
The microfarm
Since 2021, LejardinuNiek's experimental microfarm has been located in the village of Campile (Corsica).
Here, Lejardinuniek shares research on agroforestry systems, such as Corsican chestnut groves, as well as the results of experiments conducted on their microfarm and elsewhere.
Transform your farm or backyard into a regenerative climate resilient edible food system with expert guidance
Film "Gens de la châtaigne'. Un documentaire de Laurent Billard et Jean Froment. @ France 3 Via Stella: https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/corse/agriculture-le-ble-et-la-chataigne-des-filieres-d-avenir-pour-la-corse-2720874.html
Video sur France 3 Corse ViaStella sur les maladies des tomates: https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/corse/haute-corse/on-dirait-que-le-feu-est-passe-en-corse-les-tomates-touchees-par-les-variations-du-climat-2810012.html
Article sur Wikifarmer sur l'agroforesterie syntropique: https://wikifarmer.com/author/niek-pepels/
Article dans le Corsematin sur le projet de reinsertion de I Chjassi Muntagnoli que je gère: https://www.corsematin.com/article/environnement/3784022423291215/costa-verde-lortu-muntagnolu-des-ateliers-de-maraichage-pour-redynamiser-leconomie-villageoise
My Youtube channel! Edible Forest Gardening